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Baptiste Family Album
Historical #2
Historical #3
Lavallee and Irwin Photos
McAllister family photos
"Memories of Grants" - courtesy Bruce Montgomery
Baptiste Family Album
Here are some family photos of the pioneer Baptiste family. Click on the photo's for a full size picture.
Photos courtesy of: Laurie Pon, Edmonton, AB (a Baptiste family descendant)
Approx. 1895, Chief John with his
children Annie Baptiste and son Sam Baptiste along the
shores of Baptiste Lake.
Chief John Baptiste, approx. 1918,
standing tall with his rifle on the shores of Baptiste
Lake. The canoes in these pictures were made from birch
bark and his family was well known for making the birch
bark canoe.
Chief John Baptiste in 1918, in front
of his home on shores of Baptiste Lake with his dog
Sanko, rifle and canoe.
Chief John's family. (L to R) Mary,
grandson Francis, Sam, Susan, Chief John, Frank Lavalley
(Mary's husband). This photo was taken after a
succussful hunting trip. Notice the skinned deer in the
foreground (left side). Taken 1918.
Here are Sam Baptiste and his sister
Annie. The photo was taken at Sam's log cabin on
Baptiste Lake. This cottage was later destroyed in a
fire from an oil lamp. Photo taken in the late 1950's.
Annie Baptiste preparing what looks to be a fish meal at Baptiste Lake around 1940.
Sam Baptiste and his wife Rosie
hunting for wildlife. Approx. the early
1920's. Click here to see a picture of Sam and Rosies' son, John (Jack) Baptiste
Hugh Thomas Hunter was married to
Celia Baptiste who was the third oldest daughter of
Chief John Baptiste and Madeline Benway. Was known as
Tom Hunter. This photo was taken in front of their log
cabin on Baptiste Lake with his daughter Alice. Approx
Tom Hunter building a birch canoe
along the shores of Baptiste Lake. Approx
Mary Baptiste and husband Frank
Lavalley approx. 1940's in front of their home on
Baptiste Lake. Mary passed on 1948.
Paddling the canoe is Alice Hunter the Grandaughter of John Baptiste and Madeline Benway. She is the daughter of Celia Baptiste and Thomas Hunter. She is paddling with a friend on Baptiste Lake. Circa 1925.
Mary Baptiste(Lavalley) with son
Billy Lavalley and Anne Baumhour who later married Joe
Yateman, Photo taken on the shore of Baptiste Lake
around 1933-34.
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