Birch Cliff Lodge was built in 1931 by Art and Edythe Nicoll.
By the summer of 1932 most of the present Birch Cliff
cottages were built and given their quaint
Scottish names, such as Bide-a-Wee,
Linger Long, Restin Up and Dunworryn.
Realizing that Birch Cliff is a lake heritage site, Peter Brown
( and Pete Richardson came up with the thought that maybe there are
former staff or visitors who have an amusing story, or recollection about working or staying at
Birch Cliff during either the Nicolls' era or currently with the Milnes'.
To start things off, Peter as written an article about being the last "Dock Boy" at the Nicoll's
Birch Cliff Lodge in the 1960's.
Just click on the underlined title to read the detail:
New My Birch Cliff Memories, , Laurie Schnarr , Jan. 19, 2008
Birch Cliff Memories, , Mary Grant Neusatz , Dec. 29, 2006
Birch Cliff Memories, , Laurie (Grant) Eisele, April 21, 2006
Photo memories, , Carol Maclennan, Sept. 8, 2005
Tuck Shop memories, , Carol Maclennan, Aug. 28, 2005
The last dock boy , Peter Brown, Oct. 19, 2004
Birch Cliff History, David Milne, Oct. 2002
Here's an evolving collection of Birch Cliff photos provided by various sources. Click on the photo's for a full size picture.
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