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McAllister family photos
"Memories of Grants" - courtesy Bruce Montgomery
McAllister Family Album
Here are some family photos of the McAllister clan. Click on the photo's for a full size picture.
Photos courtesy of: Laura Cooney


This is my Grandfather Lawrence McAllister,(blue shirt on right) and a friend (who was his landlord) Dad can't remember his name, anyways the man was from Baptiste and he apparently died in 1973.
This is Mr. Germains boathouse 1956, my dad Don McAllister, and my grandfather Lawrence McAllister
built the cottage and the boathouse. They had to send him pictures of the progress to get
unsettlements for their work.
This is a cottage built by Dad & Grandpa in 1956.


This is my mother (Joan Parks age 15 (McAllister) and her sister Linda Parks age 17 (Yelle) of Birds Creek, sitting on the old cat walk. My mother is on the right holding the guitar which was my dads. 1958 facing East
On the old cat walk between McAllister Island and mainland (near Martins Mill)
Back Row Left to right: Lawrence (Father), Don (son)
Front Left to right: Myrtle McAllister, holding dog (wife), Sara McAllister, June McAllister, Larry McAllister
Grandpa Lawrence, was a trapper, here he is with a Beaver pelt 1958.
Grandpa & Grandma (left) Lawrence & Myrtle, & Friends from the area not sure who they are but will find out.
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